Friday, February 26, 2016

Frb.25th Again about the Hilo Day


Something wrong about making a blog too large. So this is Part II of Feb.25th.

The Hilo part of the voyage was to see two museums:

1) Imiloa Astronomy Center on the campus of University of Hawaii at Hilo. We saw a wonderful presentation in their planetarium. A lot of fundamental star gazing info. A lot of Hawaiian and Polynesian interpretations of the skies. The information is very well received. The exhibition part is also interesting and rewarding. How as an amateur can you help finding exoplanets...planets around other stars. How the Polynesians travelled with the stars. How there are projects today taking Hawaiian canoes around the Pacific and around the world. A real eye-opener.

The Pacific Tsunami Museum is our second museum. Even if we do not have a lot of time it is interesting to see the history of tsunamis. Yes, they are very devastating and I did no realize how many people died in Indonesia in their big tsunami. Today's world is trying to be more tsunami responsive but their are always people living right by the ocean.....

Polynesian canoes and navigation by the stars. Imiloa Astronomy Center............

ving near the oceans.

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